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Hétfő:09:00 - 17:00
Kedd:09:00 - 17:00
Szerda:09:00 - 17:00
Csütörtök:09:00 - 17:00
Péntek:09:00 - 17:00

Európai Unió támogatás

A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.

Új Magyarország

Shopper informations

Method of payment

Our clients can pay with cash or by credit card in our shop, or by bank transfer or online. Without any written agreement about the method of payment total price of the product should be paid in the time of purchasing. We shall reserve a right for changing the price according to legal currency or custom change as well as the price changes demanded by the product manufacturer or supplier.


We sell our products with warranty conditions provided by the producers in accordance with the Act of Consumer Protection. Period of guarantee may vary depending on the product type. In case the product gets damaged within the guarantee period then we provide nation-wide maintenance service background by the services appointed by the producers.

Reasons for warranty exclusion

Any illegal or unfair correction, cancel, rewrite or registration of unreal datas incurs invalidity of warranty.

Liability of warranty shall cease in case the damage is caused by the following reasons:

Damages caused by improper use, that can be an accident, disaster, improper store, improper use, abuse, outer intervention. Failure caused by strong sunlight, moisture, primary damage or any damages caused by mechanical failure or injury. Inefficient handling of products can result in loss of warranty. In order to avoid improper use we enclose user’ guide with the products. Please for your own interest keep the instructions depicted in the user’s guide, since we shall not take the warranty in case of failures or damages caused by improper use.


Delivery and transport of the purchased products is performed by the customer in all cases.

Quality assurance

Our company performs its activity according to the regulations of MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2001 quality assurance system that is certified by an official certification.

Web shop registration

Our customers can register into our web shop on our website. During registration personal details should be given (name, address, telephone number, e-mail etc.). These details are asked and stored in order to provide precise quotations, orders and correct information coverage.


During the registration process on the web shop you have the possibility to subscribe on free newsletter of Pentamen Ltd. and can be informed about sales and news. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the ’unsubscribe’ button. Pentamen Ltd. shall not send any spam or not demanded newsletter to your e-mail address.

Data protection

The datas of the users registered on the web shop the Pentamen Ltd. shall store in order to fulfill and provide the terms of contract. The Pentamen Ltd. shall not deliver those datas to third party, except for the case when the third party acts as a subcontractor for the Pentamen Ltd. In this case however the subcontractors are not allowed to store, use or deliver the datas to further parties. In managing your datas we shall proceed according to the Act of Data Protection.

Modifying users ‘data

Our registered users can modify their datas on the website of Pentamen Ltd. at any time.

Canceling registration

PentamenLtd. provides for its customers the possibility to cease the contact with the company, and cancel their datas from the registry.

In case you wish to terminate the above mentioned please send an e-mail to leiratkozas@pentamen.com address. When terminating registration your datas will be definitely and irrevocably cancelled.

Rights, methods and consequences of abandoning the purchase

The customer is entitled to abandon the purchase after the order but before the delivery. This intention can be signed in person, via e-mail (pentamen@pentamen.com) or by phone (0036 46/413-913). In this case the customer is not bound to bear any of the emerging costs.

The consumer shall abandon the contract within 8 working days without any justification. The consumer is entitled to abandon from the day of product delivery and in case of service from the day when the contract signed. Pentamen Ltd. is exclusively obliged to refund the full price of those undamaged, complete wrapped products. Costs caused by damaged packaging are imputed to the Customer. Pentamen Ltd shall demand to ask for a refund for damages caused by improper use. In case the product is justified to be damaged after unpackaging and the failure occurs after delivery then we shall provide replacement for the product. The customer is not entitled to practice their abandoning right in case they purchase a product that is bounded to the Customer’s person or that was produced on the Customer’s specific demand or instructions. The Customer is not entitled to practice their abandoning right in case of purchasing those products or services depending on fluctuation that cannot be managed by the financial market organization.


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