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Európai Unió támogatás

A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.

Új Magyarország

Business reviewer



PENTAMEN Ltd., founded 1991, has obtained a significant amount of experience in the field of home, office and workshop furnishing. Space design today means more than traditional trade of furniture. We design our home and workplace considering both objective and subjective aspects. Our clients cannot be expected to become emerged in interior design and decoration so deeply that they could realize optimal space design without expert guidance and planning services. Realizing this, PENTAMEN wishes to be Your partner, helping to shape the inner spaces sensibly and esthetically.

As our world and era changes around us, so do our needs and requirements. Besides the well-known and well-tried products we are constantly looking for something better, something more perfect, for values that not only meet today's requirements but will make the grade tomorrow as well. A dynamic, energetic and esthetic environment can inspire us to come up with novel thoughts and ideas. It was the creation of such motivating surroundings that we bore in mind when we set our standards even higher by improving our efficiency and consumer services.

Beside the quality of the ideas and designs, it is the high standard of execution that makes PENTAMEN authentic and stable on the market. Our successes are based on high quality management system, which ensures the efficient and expert service of our customers in the long run.

PENTAMEN proudly refers to its clients and we sincerely hope that they also feel they have made the right decision choosing us. We hope PENTAMEN will give You the key to organize and furnish your home and working area.

Our products:

Organising worksite and furnishing it mean a great strategical role in the growth of all companies’ output and effeciency. The experts of the Pentamen Home and Office make great efforts to satisfy your and your employees’ every demand to work in an ergonomically perfect place. With our well organised and effecient complete services offered for office furniture and plant equipment we are able to meet our clients’ entire requirement in an exceptionally favourable way. If for a company man means the first source then space design will definitely be the second.

Attila Kis
managing director


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